Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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HomeHEALTH AND WELLNESSWhy Improving One's Health Must be a Priority Before the Pandemic (pt....

Why Improving One’s Health Must be a Priority Before the Pandemic (pt. 2)

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Second of two parts

How about you? If you still experience flu, allergies, aches and pains, elevated blood pressure, fatty liver or diabetes, chances are, your body is in an inflammatory state.

Try to limit intake of the following and you’ll be amazed of just how your body will feel better:

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  1. Sugar and sweets
  2. Rice, corn, bread and other grains.
  3. Toxic seed oils (margarine, shortening, canola, sunflower and most vegetable oil except coconut and olive oil).
  4. Processed / canned meat and seafood products
  5. Fruits that are sweet, not in season and are not naturally available in your locality.

Focus on local non-starchy vegetables, avocados, real (unprocessed) meat, eggs and fresh seafood products only. Doing so will not only lower your inflammation, improve your weight, but you might just heal too. [READ also: Why Improving One’s Health Must be a Priority Before the Pandemic (pt. 1)]

And talking about the sunny side, recently, I’ve been under the sun without sunscreen.

In fact, for the first time, I intentionally took a dip without putting any sun protection. This is because over the course of the pandemic, I learned how important Vitamin D is and how we are NOT GETTING enough of it.

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Vitamin D is so important that having less of it is linked to problems related to virtually all of our organs in the body.  Depression, schizophrenia, asthma, respiratory infections, high blood pressure, muscle aches and pains, diabetes and other problems with pancreatic function, bone illness, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, severe flu and even cancer, plus many more.

You know what’s the THREE greatest FACTORS of this are?

  1. INDOOR Lifestyle – work and related activities
  2. FEAR of Sun Exposure – use of thick clothing, umbrellas and sunblock. This is so true especially among Filipinos/ Asians who were brainwashed that only “whiter” skin is beautiful.
  3. Low Fat Diet – since this diet was promoted by USDA in 1977, there has been a steady rise in Vit D Deficiency and it is because, Vit D is a Fat-soluble vitamin that is abundant in fatty foods. This is just one of the many adverse impacts of LFD that shifted the health of millions to the worse.

I managed many patients with high triglycerides and VLDL and a lot of them have low Vitamin D3 levels. When asked what their diets were?

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For the longest time, they have been avoiding all FATS and OILS.

Instead, they have been eating carbs in the form of rice, pasta, breads, root crops, fruits and limit their meat intake only to lean chicken and fish.

What can we learn from this? Natural Cholesterol is NOT the cause of elevated triglycerides and (another bad fat in the form of) VLDL.

But intake of too much glucose, fructose and starch can lead to the liver’s overproduction of those lipids through De Novo Lipogenesis.

And yes, fatty liver is a given consequence too. When fats are present together with high amounts of glucose in the body, INSULIN is dominating and the healthy FAT METABOLISM will be put on hold. Meaning, it will only be stored and will not be processed into usable forms like energy, vitamins and other important lipid byproducts.

Lastly, Vitamin D and nutrients from healthy fat intake is essential for immunity, cellular repair and healing.

Without it, our body is at greater risk of inflammatory damage and early aging. Vitamin D’s precursor name prior to activation is 7- Dehydrocholesterol and it is one of the essential byproducts sharing similar pathway with cholesterol that is naturally found in the human body.

Have a substantial intake of good fats like fish oil, virgin coconut oil and cold pressed olive oil.

Choose grass-fed ruminant fats like beef, tallow, ghee and butter, or have organic lard, and pastured eggs to increase your Vitamin D3 levels and improve your HDL & large type of LDL while lowering TG and VLDL.

Avoid at all cost toxic seed oils high in Omega 6 and synthetic fats like canola, cottonseed, sunflower, corn, rice bran and other highly processed oils.

Personally, I have ample amounts of good fat intake.

However, seldom do I get to activate them in my skin because of my lifestyle’s limited sun exposure. Good thing that with a 10-15 minutes of direct midday sunlight, it is already enough.

So right now, as long as I don’t intend to soak for more than an hour, I can save from not applying sunblocks. I fully embrace my tans now as I embrace better health.

No need to worry about skin cancer as well with controlled exposure. It is less common among asians especially if you do NOT frequently feed yourself with sugar.

If I have to sum it all up, we do not need to panic. We can be grateful that now, we are aware of better hygienic practices, vaccines are available for those who wish to have it and most especially, we can now be empowered to be really healthy, the proper, natural and sustainable way.

When we eat the right foods, we get the necessary and balanced vitamins and minerals without the need for artificial supplementation. Wishing you health and wellness everyday.

The decision will start from you in your journey towards healing. Stay low carb, stay SAFE.

Dr. Josephine Grace Chua Rojo.

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Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo
Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo
Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo Co-Founder of Low Carb Con 2021 A Specialist in Diseases of Ears, Nose, Throat - Head and Neck Surgery. She is the author of Perfect At Last Book Series focusing on Weight Management, Optimum Health and Overall Wellness and a Published Author in the Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. Known simply as Doc Grace and “The Diet Doktora”, she has founded two dedicated Low Carb & Fasting(LCF) Groups on Facebook (Life without Rice and Low-Carb Feasting & Fasting Community) and has organized and led the first LCF Masterclass Training and Certification Course.
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