On the submission of NUJP’s partial list of petitioners for ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal
The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines submits and entrusts this partial list of petitioners for the renewal of ABS-CBN’s franchise to the Honorable Representatives who authored the 11 bills for such purpose.
This list consists of about 200 thousand petitioners gathered through actual signature gathering all over Metro Manila by various organizations and NUJP’s online petition through change.org we hereby submit through a flash drive. The petition signing was started a month ago and we aim to gather more in the future until such time that the network’S franchise issue is positively resolved.
The NUJP is undertaking this petition signing to show support to the authors of the 11 franchise bills and to urge the House of Representatives Committee on Legislative Franchises to schedule their discussion. We need not remind Congress that the network’s franchise expires on March 30 and that the First Regular Session only has a little more than a dozen session days to do so.
In urging Congress to pass ABS-CBN’s franchise, we have it as paramount consideration the 11,000 or so media workers who are very anxious about their jobs.
We also urge Congress to be independent and not be influenced by efforts in the executive and judicial branches of government to deny the network of due process. We view these to be curtailments of press freedom, coming as they are at the heels of public and repeated threats by no less than President Rodrigo Duterte to block the renewal of the franchise.
National Directorate