Thursday, February 20, 2025
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HomeCOVID-19Why Improving One's Health Must be a Priority Before the Pandemic (pt....

Why Improving One’s Health Must be a Priority Before the Pandemic (pt. 1)

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First of two parts

COVID-19, along with other pathogens, is here to stay.

We can comply with and adhere to all protective measures like the community quarantine, stay at home mandate, physical distancing, hand hygiene and use of PPE, but at the end of the day, the most important defense that we can have is our HEALTH.

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Just like other infections, not everybody will manifest symptoms.

Others might have mild, moderate and some, severe reactions which can even be fatal.

Our metabolic health will dictate how we will come out, in addition of course to the standard medical management which may or may not be effective as well.

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So how to go about it? Just simply follow the anti-COVID protocols and use this time to improve your lifestyle.

For those with co-morbidities and illnesses, you can maximize this isolation period to learn and adjust to the real healthy way of life.

You can do so just by knowing TWO THINGS:

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  2. WHEN TO EAT (emphasis mine).

And unbiased science behind proper human nutrition will support that removal of inflammatory foods like sugar, fructose, seed oils and other highly processed foods will drastically improve one’s health.

Engaging in a NO SUGAR, LOW-CARB food intake is a good way to start.

In addition, doing periodic FASTING, or simply extending your overnight fast from a minimum of 12 hours, to as long as you can, will do the (almost like) magic trick of healing and optimizing your health.

I understand that it may come out too “strict” for others and so I am often asked: Why do we want to avoid carbs? How much harm can bad carbs do to our body?

Chronic high sugar (or high glycemic index food) intake, can lead to persistent elevation of insulin. Such can then result to obvious effects like weight gain, aches and pains and even skin breakouts.

It is not just about sweets. Bland and complex starchy carbohydrates can easily be turned into glucose the moment we chew it and touches our saliva.

More importantly, doing it three times a day like eating rice has worse impacts that are not that obvious to the naked eye, unless it is already too late.

Common ones include stroke, heart attack, intractable infection, low immune system and even tumors or dementia.

Let’s take this time to reflect on our food plate and start to be sensitive with our body’s response to foods.

And no, it is not the fats, meat or salt that is ruining you. It’s that pure, white and deadly, mostly sweet to taste like table sugar or honey, but it can also be the innocent-looking ones like bread and rice, regardless of color.

American Heart Association now suggests limiting consumption of refined carbohydrates to 100 calories (25 grams) for women and 150 calories (37.5 grams) for men per day if they wish to decrease their risk of getting dementia, immune-compromise and other complications of insulin resistance.

And did you know that a cup of rice already contains 40 grams of net carbohydrates or blood glucose equivalent?

Yes, that fact is not known to all that is why we want to educate as many people as possible. People are now afraid. Just like how we were raised to be afraid of rain.

Filipinos are known to be avid umbrella users both for sunny and rainy days.

In fact, if you travel outside the country, you’ll easily spot fellow Pinoys when you see those who are using umbrella regardless of day.  We have this notion that getting wet under the rain can lead to illness.

But did you know that this has no scientific basis?

Together with my four other siblings, I personally grew up playing under the rain (even amid the flood at times) and we never got sick because of it.

I am never an umbrella user by virtue of minimalism, and so I’d rather risk some droplets in me or get some extra vitamin D from sun exposure than carry one all day.

If this is true, then why do others get “sick” when they get soak in the rain? This is because, our body continuously strive to maintain a normal body temperature below 37.8 to keep everything in balance.

Getting soaked in the rain can lead to lowered body temperature or hypothermia which can lower the body’s immune function. This is when the person becomes vulnerable to common colds from bacteria and viruses that are found everywhere.

But if the body is at optimum health, then a transient hypothermia can easily be managed and revert back to normothermia with the right functioning organ systems without inflammation. That’s why, no umbrella, no problem (as long as you can still look presentable of course.

Speaking of which, ever since we started doing low carb and fasting for almost three years now, we couldn’t remember having a flu.

Which warrants the question, that if one’s immune system is strong enough, then an individual need not be afraid of both rain and flu virus, which is what this pandemic will eventually going to be.

(Read the second part)

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Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo
Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo
Dr. Josephine Grace Rojo Co-Founder of Low Carb Con 2021 A Specialist in Diseases of Ears, Nose, Throat - Head and Neck Surgery. She is the author of Perfect At Last Book Series focusing on Weight Management, Optimum Health and Overall Wellness and a Published Author in the Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. Known simply as Doc Grace and “The Diet Doktora”, she has founded two dedicated Low Carb & Fasting(LCF) Groups on Facebook (Life without Rice and Low-Carb Feasting & Fasting Community) and has organized and led the first LCF Masterclass Training and Certification Course.
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